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2023 Management Challenge

What is the Management Challenge?

The Australasian Management Challenge has been at the forefront of professional development in local government in Australia and New Zealand for more than 25 years. The Management Challenge is a simulation-based team building, learning and networking program using real local government themes - the types of issues that a senior management team in a council would most likely face.


Teams are challenged to respond to a series of tasks in a unique, fast paced, "pressure cooker" environment. Some tasks will require written responses (such as a council report or recommendation document), some will take the form of role plays or presentations and the teams are also scored on observations of how well they display energy, synergy, effectiveness and creative thinking.


The Management Challenge provides an excellent professional development opportunity to become more effective in leading, thinking, communicating, negotiating, decision-making, analysing and engaging.


2023 Management Challenge​


Team registrations are now open for the NT Management Challenge which will take in early May in Darwin. The confirmed date and venue will be advised in the coming weeks.


Management Challenge Team - Early Bird Rate – $5,350.00 (excl. GST) 
Price includes morning tea, lunch & challenge materials for 6 team members and 1 mentor. Please list mentor's name first then the team member names and details by clicking the 'add guest' button. Each team member must be a current active member of LG Professionals NT.

Early Bird Rate closes 30 January 2023.


Management Challenge Team - Member Rate – $5,750.00 (excl. GST)
Price includes morning tea, lunch & challenge materials for 6 team members and 1 mentor. Please list mentor's name first then the team member names and details by clicking the 'add guest' button. Each team member must be a current active member of LG Professionals NT.


Please note LGProNT is not registered for GST.




Registrations close 20 February 2023. To register your interest and/or ask for an invoice to meet the Early Bird Rate for the Management Challenge please email













National Management Challenge 2023 Brochure - COVER.jpg

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